Thursday, September 3, 2009

Expanding Our ELK


Tenet: Interpreters engage in professional development.

Guiding Principle: Interpreters are expected to foster and maintain interpreting competence and the stature of the profession through ongoing development of knowledge and skills.

Illustrative Behavior - Interpreters:
7.1 Increase knowledge and strengthen skills through activities such as:

● pursuing higher education;

● attending workshops and conferences;

● seeking mentoring and supervision opportunities;

● participating in community events; and

● engaging in independent studies.

7.2 Keep abreast of laws, policies, rules, and regulations that affect the profession.

This is self explanatory. Each of us are expanding our ELK (extra linguistic knowledge) by participating in this group. We are rolling up our sleeves to join the ranks of other Nationally Certified Interpreters in our field. Go us!! We need to also remember to attend workshops and join the Deaf community in local events.

I have some websites that I would like to share with you (they all go along with expanding our ELK and focusing on professional development. They are as follows:

Video clips gathered together on one website of Deaf individuals signing: You have to sign up with a user name and password, but there's some good practice material. It's worth it.

Google this site... it is mostly for the NIC written test, but if it isn't useful to you, pass it on! Like I said, google it, don't put it in the address bar.

If you have more, add them here! We all will benefit from them :)
#7: Expand your ELK!!

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