Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Scenario Analysis

Okay, now that we've had a review of the NIC Interview rubric, I think it's time to start practicing. I am going to ask Katie Hoover to post an ethical dillemma on our blog here and then we are each going to craft a response in written English based on what we know about the raters' expectations, utilizing the rubric.

I am taking an online course now to help me prepare for the test as well, so I wanted to give some notes of things I've learned from that class thus far that I know have helped me a lot and you may find helpful as well.

First of all, think about who are ALL the stakeholders in the situation? Remember that there may be people who are affected but are not present (for example, the agency/interpreter coordinator, school administrators, etc.). Consider all these people when formulating your answer, including when you're stating the conflict and when discussing consequences of your solution.

When considering your solution, what are the resorces available to you? Is there time to call a mentor? What else can you use to help you formulate a decision? Try not to limit yourself to only the CPC.

Those are a couple of tips I've picked up from my course. Now I just need to get good at doing those things! :)

So here is your challenge for the week. Katie will post an ethical dilemma. Try not to read it until you are ready to write your response. When you have time, read the dilemma and formulate your response based on the expectations outlined in the rubric. Don't worry about a time limit this first time. When you are done, send your response to your partner as listed in the email.

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